Director: The Russo Brothers
Cast Headliners : Chris Evans, Robert Downey Jr, Sebastian Stan, Daniel Bruhl, many more...
Original Release Date : May 6th, 2016
Captain America "3":
Civil War is a high level of monumental achievement for the Marvel
Cinematic Universe and the superhero film genre as a whole. Based
upon the iconic comic arc Civil War, it has the ever harder job of
tying into all of the past entries of the MCU franchise and bringing
them to new and exciting places and people. Especially as this one
feels like the culmination of most of the core themes and plots to
date while also offering most of a new beginning, but as any observer
knows its far from the end. But it marks a climax of sorts for two
key members of its team, and on the way some mostly incredible stuff
The franchise has
become even harder to walk into fresh (though the great spectacle and
hero mish mash here will entertain anyone) and this is even truer
after its key tie into Avengers 2: Age of Ultron which is nearly a
must view before this. The movie picks up with the current Avengers
squad of super soldier Captain America/Steve Rogers (Chris Evans),
winged suit wearing Falcon/Sam Wilson(Anthony Mackie), mage Scarlet
Witch/Wanda Maximoff(Elizabeth Olsen), and super spy Black
Widow/Natasha Romanoff(Scarlett Johansson) on a mission to stop
mercenaries led by Cap 2's fearsome armored traitor Crossbones/Brock
Rumlow(Frank Grillo, in a menacing but logically too brief
appearance). The frenetic action craft of directors Anthony and Joe
Russo is quickly evident, with both sweet maneuvers and doses of
witty humor. The mission is completed but not without causalities,
setting the world over a line which leads to the spiraling down of
the titular Civil War showdown.
A great meta real
world element of these movies, and others of their like (ahem DC,
handeld better here...well the film in mostly every way but that's
another conversation) is how the action scenes take a destructive
toll on wherever they are. These real world critiques lead to the
core central plot and driving themes of this film, which is done
great and makes it interesting. After a haunting encounter, armor
using staple Iron Man/Tony Stark (Robery Downey Jr) acts on the will
of Secretary of State Ross(William Hurt) to enact the Sokovia Accords
which will put the Avengers, and all superheroes in the world, under
government control. Naturally, this deeply divides the team, at first
morally and due to other events violently as well.
The movie, as can
be seen, is filled with a mind numbingly amount of characters, a
record for any in this genre. Not only does it include everyone seen
in the past 2 Avengers crossover films, but even some of those are
given more than just cameo appearances and new people are introduced
as well. However in the sea of great actors and actresses those that
shine do indeed. It's ironic that Robert Downey Jr has previously
been the comic relief but here is one of the film's most quality,
nuanced and dramatic characters through Tony. Tony stark certainly
has some jokes lurking around but its surprising that so much of his
past and makeup of his soul are explored. This makes sense with the
core “versus” theme, and while he at times seems
even..villiarnous from a sense one will feel confliceted who they
cheer for. And of course to rival him, the movie is called Captain
America for a reason. While it features nearly the whole Marvel
universe to date, it very much places the perspective on him and his
quest to find Winter Soldier/Bucky(Sebastian Stan) again which is
what aids in leading to conflict. Through this all, Chris Evans as
Steve Rogers brings his usual greatness, if not a new bar, with his
charisma, coolness, and heroic moralness. The exchanges between him
and Stark, whether verbal or in fists, are fantastic, and its
especially great to see him really reconnect with Stan's turn as
Bucky that wasn't seen as much in the first two core Cap films.
The returning cast
all has their moments of the Russo's great balanced use of writing
and action usage. Situations like the mysterious android Vision(Paul
Bettany) getting used to off duty life or Hawkeye(Jeremy Renner)
meeting new people on the field of battle cause laughs. War
Rhodey” (Don Cheadle) and Sharon Carter(Emily VanCamp) and the surprise of Everett Ross(The Hobbit's Martin Freeman)'s more minor turns drive the plot forward. Falcon, Scarlet Witch, Black Widow and more all play their solid parts. It never feels like anyone is forgotten even when minor, for humor or coolness, which is great. Immense praise as well to the villain Zemo(Daniel Bruhl), who has slight charisma but heaps of menace and vengeance that places him among-st the MCU's best and most be seen firsthand to see why.
Rhodey” (Don Cheadle) and Sharon Carter(Emily VanCamp) and the surprise of Everett Ross(The Hobbit's Martin Freeman)'s more minor turns drive the plot forward. Falcon, Scarlet Witch, Black Widow and more all play their solid parts. It never feels like anyone is forgotten even when minor, for humor or coolness, which is great. Immense praise as well to the villain Zemo(Daniel Bruhl), who has slight charisma but heaps of menace and vengeance that places him among-st the MCU's best and most be seen firsthand to see why.
Then there's the utmost newcomers, which is another awesome highlight of the film.
Technically he was first the main star in 2015's film of the same
name but praise must be given to Ant-Man/Scott Lang (Paul Rudd). He
carries tons of the films funniest lines, and his action scenes rival
and surpass the inventiveness seen in his solo film with some
surprising uses of his abilities. Rudd brings his charm and humor to
every film he is in, and its great to see him really meet most of
these heroes (Falcon aside...) for the first time. Another main
character who is almost as core to the plot as Stark/Rogers is Black
Panther/T'Challa (Chadwick Boseman), a leader and catlike supersuit
using warrior from the fictional African nation of Wakanda. Boseman's
Black Panther has some awesome new abilities and he brings a suave,
menacing, mysterious new presence to this world that has some key
parts in this and leaves one extremely excited for more appearances
in sequels and his solo film.
The most important
newcomer of all, perhaps not in a story sense as he is relatively
minor, but in a dream come true (last seen owned by Sony Pictures
even when MCU was running) is the new reboot of... Spider-man/Peter
Parker(Tom Holland)!!. Parker's role in the plot is surprisingly more
than a mere cameo, but less than a key player. But he has some
incredible action additions. The best part of him is he fits in so
naturally and feels right. Holland brings the best aspects of both
Tobey Macguire an Andrew Garfield, being funny and sincere in and out
of the costume. It's exciting to finally see him where he belongs ,
and there is a very bright future for him in more films as wel.
The Russos take on
the Marvel universe is very disctinct by new. This movie very much
feels like Avengers through a Cap2: Winter Soldier lense. There's the
tight frenetic aciton, the drama, the snappy humor. But also in some
parts, such as the amazing awesome that is the huge airport battle
containing every superhero in the film at once, it is something new
for them with its craaaaazyness. Sequences like these make it seem
not just like a comic to life but surpass Whedon and make it seem
like a special event comic come to life with its scale. While when
its amazing, its great, the movie is brought down a bit by the fact
that this is not Avengers 1 anymore, this is the 14th
installment in the universe and even when its being amazing it can
never quite be as fresh. But with future installments and even more
additions maybe it can be even more of the same it can potentially be
even better.
Overall, due to
including nearly every hero and side character to date (sorry Hulk
and Thor, see you in 2017) it is very much a Marvel dream come true.
Seeing the heroes fight, seeing additions like Black Panther and
Spider-man, seeing how well all the drama and humor is balanced.
There's even some stuff from the actual comics recreated on screen.
But while it is a lot of the same, it is handeld with a near complete
great directorial effort by the Russos. It's the end of a long road
of building tension and consequences, but also, it provides a strong
sign for the rest of their “Phase Three” of films ahead. That's
going to be a hard , and anticipated, bar to top. 9.55 out of 10